Why we have assessments
Members of the Senior Civil Service are senior leaders. They set the strategic direction of the department, develop new policy and manage operational responses. They are key to delivering the aims and objectives of each department. As well as overseeing important work, they play an essential role in steering culture change within the organisation and aligning to the organisational and Civil Service values. It is therefore essential that applicants are thoroughly reviewed to ensure they have the necessary skills and leadership behaviours for the role.

Assessment types
Depending upon your selection process and whether you undertake an Individual Leadership Assessment (ILA) or Alternative Leadership Assessment (ALA) you may be asked to complete two to five of the following assessments (generally a maximum of three personality questionnaires and two aptitude tests). All tests are robust, valid, appropriately rated by the British Psychological Society and licensed in the UK, or specifically designed for the Civil Service.

Preparing for assessment
It is important to take the guidance on this site, which is generic across many Civil Service organisations, in the context of your particular application. Please pay particular attention to the role specification and the objectives, mission statement, aims, values and behavioural frameworks of the role to which you are applying.

Online psychometrics hints and tips
Depending upon your selection process and whether you undertake an Individual Leadership Assessment (ILA) or Alternative Leadership Assessment (ALA) you may be asked to complete two to five of the following assessments (generally a maximum of three personality questionnaires and two aptitude tests). All tests are robust, valid, appropriately rated by the British Psychological Society and licensed in the UK.

Reasonable adjustments
The Civil Service is an inclusive employer and is committed to equality of opportunity and a fair and open process of recruitment. All departments want to make sure no one is put at a disadvantage during their recruitment process because of a disability, condition or impairment.

Staff Engagement Exercises
Previous candidates and a GatenbySanderson assessor give their insights on Staff Engagement Exercises and how to prepare for them.

Useful links
As well as the website of the department to which you are applying, there are a number of Civil Service and other sites that might be useful.