Reasonable adjustments

If you require or think you might require an adjustment please flag this with your contact point as soon as possible and please do not hesitate to mention it again at any stage of the process if you feel the message has not been shared or your situation has changed. Your contact point or assessor can explain what the process will entail if this will help you determine if you need an adjustment.

Please be reassured that adjustments are not detailed on assessment reports unless you specifically ask for them to be referenced or give your consent to this.

The Civil Service is an inclusive employer and is committed to equality of opportunity and a fair and open process of recruitment. All departments want to make sure no one is put at a disadvantage during their recruitment process because of a disability, condition or impairment.

The assessment process will make reasonable adjustments in order to support disabled or neurodiverse job applicants to ensure that they are not disadvantaged in the process. Adjustments could include: extra time for tests, ensuring that information is provided in an accessible format, information on the assessment in advance or extra time.